This is a pub not a library, so we expect a bit of boisterous banter amongst fans. What won’t be tolerated is any abuse of the writer’s or other people on the site, as this will get you barred. While a bit of cheeky wit is definitely welcomed, mindless swearing will get you barred.
Simple enough really, just a bit of common sense so everyone can enjoy their experience of The Transfer Tavern and while the rules below won’t get you barred. Try not to break them please.
- No puking in the toilets. (We’ve not got a cleaner yet)
- No drinks on the pool table. (Just don’t do it)
- No drinks on the Video Juke Box. (It cost a bloody fortune)
- No excessive mickey takin
- Keep the noise down when you leave. (This is a respectable part of the internet…….or so I was told before signing the lease)