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House Rules

TT House Rules

This is a pub not a library, so we expect a bit of boisterous banter amongst fans. What won’t be tolerated is any abuse of the writer’s or other people on the site, as this will get you barred. While a bit of cheeky wit is definitely welcomed, mindless swearing will get you barred.

Simple enough really, just a bit of common sense so everyone can enjoy their experience of The Transfer Tavern and while the rules below won’t get you barred. Try not to break them please.

  1. No puking in the toilets. (We’ve not got a cleaner yet)
  2. No drinks on the pool table. (Just don’t do it)
  3. No drinks on the Video Juke Box. (It cost a bloody fortune)
  4. No excessive mickey takin
  5. Keep the noise down when you leave. (This is a respectable part of the internet…….or so I was told before signing the lease)
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