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How Football Clubs Can Help Control Sports Betting?

How Football Clubs Can Help Control Sports Betting? - Exclude from MSN

The UK has millions of gamblers with gambling problems who are at risk of losing their assets as a result. The financial and social impact has a ripple effect as the effects are long-term and scary for those close to problematic gamblers.

In their efforts to minimise the spread of gambling harms, the UKGC has made it mandatory for UK bookmakers to register with GamStop as well. A platform that assists by way of self-exclusion from gambling activities as well as resources on where to seek financial, therapeutic and support. Licensed operators with UKGC have to support initiatives through the non-profit organisation to regulate and curb gambling addiction.

Football teams have come out in full support of GamStop initiatives. Through their massive number of fans, they can provide a platform from which GamStop can educate and inform of its services to a larger audience. While promoting healthy sport betting habits.

Gamstop Weaknesses Regarding Sports Betting

One of GamStop’s disadvantages is that it can only assist with UKGC-licensed operations.  A condition which has found its influence and impact is limited within the UK. Gamblers continuously try to find ways to bypass their operators by signing at platforms that offer sports betting not on GamStop which gives an opportunity to play even though they are on self-exclusion.

Also, players can use cryptocurrency and other e-wallet facilities with which to play. This makes it difficult to adequately assess the financial stability of players on site unless there is comprehensive KYC due diligence performed by operators.

The Power Of Collective Impact

The conditions of collective impact are that there is continuous communication on a common agenda, led by mutually reinforced activities which are the backbone support of a shared measure when addressing complex social issues.

The industry, as well as the collaborators, can implement designed initiatives that prioritise the player and empower them with both information and resource. GamStop can gain valuable insight from the events and programs of the collaborations, therefore allowing them to improve based on the data gained.

As a whole, they can normalise the importance of responsible gambling where they can use specific programs that can target specific problematic gamblers persons.

Social Media Impact

The advertising by gambling operators on social media platforms not only targets gamblers of legal age but is visible to minors as well. The attraction of future fortune gained by gambling is a distortion GamStop hopes to reduce within this vulnerable group.

Nowadays, football teams have a massive impact through their fan base and it can change the narrative created by sportsbook operators. Football clubs’ social media are providing informative messaging on the realistic nature of gambling and the problems that can be experienced through reckless gambling habits. Bringing both awareness and behaviour moderation.

Minors often hero-worship football players, which makes acceptance of the messaging easier and more effective as well.

A Success Story

The collaborations have seen football teams like Crystal Palace, Queens Park Rangers and Luton work directly with communities on gambling addiction.

Being able to provide information on gambling support closer to home has had fans react positively to the message given and the individual football club brands as well. These teams have let known their commitment to fair play and stance against corrupt gambling practices.

Football clubs provide community-based information from their fans thereby providing quick reactive interventions which can be incorporated into awareness events. This could be the negative impact of advertising to minors or the support to families affected by gambling.

Informing The Masses

Football clubs incorporate awareness events as part of their overall marketing campaigns. This will mean the involvement of media and other supportive organisations involvement which enables better reach and efficacy.

The advertising of GamStop billboards within stadiums has also helped heightened awareness of the activities performed by the NPO. Services either than the self-exclusion of gamblers have also found support. The information resources are also accessible on football club websites and social media platforms.

Being aware of where they can find various forms of assistance like support groups, treatment centres, and financial advice has been helpful for those thinking about taking a step towards recovery.


Advertising, including sports betting advertising, is a means for football clubs to increase their revenue through sponsorships. Football clubs have hesitated to be in full support of GamStop collaborations as this affects these revenue streams. The same revenue aids them in making gambling awareness campaigns possible.

The benefits and reception of the GamStop on football clubs have had positive impacts for all involved. While GamStop was able to reach larger audiences, football clubs improved their brand, with the gambler being the recipient of the most benefits. This is one of the main reasons for football clubs supported GamStop and other similar programs. When we say information is power, the information that has been shared through this collaboration has been invaluable.

Even with the shortcoming, GamStop has been able to make a positive impact on the sport of football. Gamblers and their families alike are informed and can take informed measures to alleviate the impact of problematic gambling. It is now up to the gamblers to take the initiative to make healthy gambling changes.

Photo by Unsplash

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